OCR text
M@Q0589 Buddleia asiatica Lour. Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 1978....... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) 44.331 Buddlsin asiaticarar_. Shrub, 5 fest. Leaves greyish green. Flewsers sreyish-white, fruits Breen. Face ef elirt above river. Leren River, Merebs ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN District, T.N.G. bmi E01115003 be Ge HANTY 29/9/64 yi PLANTAE NOVOGUINEENSES i} Botanical Collections of the Department of Forests Papua and New Guinea yA es 5 6 t fs] 9. -10 copyright reserved E. E. Henty NGF 14331 Septe 1964 Collected : I "9 Morobe Cistrict Alt, ca, B00 ft. Lat. Us. bong, 140 2h, Govt. Print.—3860/7.60.—20,000.
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