OCR text
FLORA OF NEW GUINEA IW Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. AeKairose NeGeFo21119- 13/3/65 Me@Qe0589 Locality: Junction Rd.1&2 Bulolo, Morobe District. Alt. 2500 ft. Lat PAGS Long. 446 40 B labitat: In secondary forest. Annot. Shrub. Flowers, white. Fruit, brown. Fam. Loganiaceae Name: Buddleia asiatica Dupl;- sent to: L, Bri; Canb.- A.K. Bog. Sing, Syd, UH, PNH. US. Bish, But. a \ xo] ® Pa i o n 2 a a= D ES > Qa fe) oO f Os a. 17 i™, p \ [sf ‘ oO - (S| 1s \ j } : \i \ J fj Buddleia asiatica Lour. x OM iN y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii E01112997 Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 Te. Herbarium Vadense (WAG)
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