OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wT E01112960 Buddleja macrostachya Benth. Determinavit: Pam Opie Date: 1995 «2 . ! A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19-4. Herbarium Vadense (WAG) FLORA OF THAILAND KYOTO UNIVERSITY BOTANICAL EXPEDITION TO THAILAND 1965-66 IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE ROYAL FOREST DEPARTMENT, BANGKOK Buddleja macrostachya Benth. det. Murata Herb 0,8 = tall; flower purple. Lec. PAYAP. Chiangmai: higher elevation of Doi Chiangdao, 1600-2100 m alt. Oa steep, grassy slope in sunny place. 2000 = alt Date. Jan. 4, 1966. ee Coll. U.Tasawa, K.Iwatsuki-& N.Fukuoka, T 4149 Nv copyright reserved M@00589
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