OCR text
JARUTUIO}OG Aruay “AD £661 “Ides a ei ee Buddleia colvilei Hook.f.et Thoms. Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 Ba Herbarium Vadense (WAG) +1203 FLORA of the EAST HIMALAYA, | i Coll. Ribu and Rhomoo. ! ' FLORA OF EAST HIMALAYA, ; Locality Aititude Date ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN So ' EDINBURGH a No. 1203 a E01112931 ate eer Coll. Rehmso Leneha. Pea ig this a os, se) ra 2 ® n 4 ted 3 = = ~ rot fr) 3) oe ee MQ00589
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