OCR text
MQQQ589 ! A. J.M. Leeuwenberg, 19.) Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Revised for Flora Malesiana Buddleja asiatice Lour. ere yt Tey det. Pot / all ral eA SO > /19 64 xo} cy Pa — o 72) e = <= Db = > 2 fe} [) Rabe Determinavit G.F. Henry Sept. 1993 be yt \~ — a ; Mel bard by Hfey|ifencon’ Bcedldl . HL br 4 / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CL 1 : “4 /- 4 po Le 01112909 Wain | Ska: cies: J: ce eile a ca — Woes...
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