OCR text
Determinavit G.F. Henry ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN URG Hu 01112891 \~ Sept. 1993 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Ex Herbario Universitatis Tokyoensis Herbarium Universitatis Tokyoensis RR ASM SPH Dy FtAB : 9913 The Third Botanical Expedition to Eastern Himalaya 1967 Buddleja bhutanica Yamazaki i 3 y in sunny bush, rub 2 m high, flower white fragrant. ALG. L700 mw Bhutan Patria Tinlegang (1750) Datum May 4 1967 | Legit H. Hae. Kanai, G. Murata, Determinavit H. Ohashi, O. Tanaka & T. Yamazaki
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