OCR text
oO) 0 wn fav) fox) g = E01112773 Institution and St, Joseph’s College, Bangalore. oO @ oO = E. 3 p < : = q oo : | a , oa jen) @ 5 5 re oe ys) = ps Oo 6 WwW } ! ; | | xo) ® Pa ‘S ® o 2 P a f°?) = 1 (ok ° [o) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM HF “ Hassan District, Mysore, India. BUDDLEJACEAE | Buddleja asiatica Lour. | Occasional small trees; leaves | 2s dark green above, whitish beneath; calyx white; fruits j ‘ : 5 16°E BS.vssddorn omokica Lowe, F.M. Jarrett, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Fi C. Saldanh fee wile down Yebhicthst ie ide Leamiusen Ram Mracdiodk 2 i EDINBURGH cae : T.P. Ramamoorthy. 8 Oct. 1970. | VU AT Lomdiosurs. Doan, Far 42. G9R9) Hassan Flora Project of Smithsonian
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