OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WMH E£01112688 HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM VADENSE (WAG) Plants collected by A. J. M. Leeuwenberg no. 1 4406 Logan. dd. 22-Iv-1989 Buddleja paniculata Wall. China: Yunnan: Kunming Bot. Garden. 25.06 N, 102.41 BE. Cult. and wild shrubs on open place on hill top; laterite. Shrubs 2-3 m high; trunks up to 4 o %; bark pale brown, fibrous, partly paler; leaves and calyx glaucous; corolla limb white, throat dark yellow or orange, tube suffused with pink-red; plants mainly with almost mature fruits. (seen here fruting B.asiatica and with dry infl. Bemyriantha. AoJ.M, Leeuwenberg, 1989 Det< xo} ® Pa < o n o be ww of (°] = Ps) Qa fe) oO MQQ0589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet