OCR text
Buddleia fallowiana hatte Ps oe MQ00589 Paratype Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 saci Herbarium Vadense (WAG) xo} ® Pad - fo) n ® c= Pd nent D = ) 2. ° oO YUNNAN, WEST CHINA verte Coll GHEORGH FORREST 628 ee “1910: Alt, 7 10,a-a-0gh- Locality Kame - Kel-.. af . ort Bu bblia bee Ae; ber, Sennantas's, Bef. A B- 64t-.. Lblower . mee 3 nodes: Orme ge , trong fe 5. Follourana , Baky. bf # WW Sue B bree fe niu ce lication’ 2 Fide (. U. AB. pie ‘ios eu Bull. No 5 19730 haa, OF a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii £01112561
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