OCR text
Buddleia delavayi Gagnep. (paratype of B.eheliophila var. pubescens Marquand) Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19...2.2...... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ne ot ae om . i: . \ op ent ; Type Specimen §.W. YUNNAN, CHINA vol9357 Coll. GEORGE FORREST bent .1927/. Alt. 8-9 00-fb Locality Mbt: oxciud Pele pee Ael-. = hoe 36 ’ nh 2 Kong 5 gy gD 6 G8 i € ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii A £01112551 : aan tip hile, te B Artiophila vor pubes | ae Shr. f,. —- : > 3 Pee CUS. Yhorquard Ube 0 | Aut . ~led5 (430 pus fl. he as Progra” aca Denetil, | Maes feuA~ eee Nerg-wae Prete foreets xo] ® Pad i ® 2) 2 a = A — > 2. fe) oO
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