OCR text
Buddleia delavayi Gagnep. (paratype of B.eglabrescens W.W.Smith) Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19....2.2..... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) = YUNNAN, WEST CHINA ,, Coll. GEORGH FORREST No. 1 9 7s 3 \ 19k, Fy Oe ee: 3 [Fei % ocali' ; " a take, De fa vanc agine ahaa rans , | J yO . 6 t. Fide c. ou B. fe ET 27 VA Mew Mute. No.5 1930 Budtlhia pobreteen NM .. a Pounded lef Blelarey: Gogreh. ROYAL Gey le eae . Bupheate” Rae ee | ee es OT pA a3 Qe ae it oo oO = xo} cy Pd i ® n 2 a & 2 = ) Qa ° iS) io) rs}
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