OCR text
MQ00589 x?) ci Pe — o 77) 2 ~~ Hos 2 a Ps) 2 ° o Province du Koury-Tconrov (Chine. ) A OP ame acoes ‘ = s0 (aNes ae gS be PBS bea Oa, eo A : 4 L, fA L J a ce 1 ff OP#e Cass Landy Ax (Cony 4 wey ; ie Aa A hk a Buddleia myriantha Diels ate bce Dau te feleuts Mant. Se OR ot ieee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Halal, wn 7 op det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg ae 1995 (im i wale fg E01 fl 12468 des Missions-Etrangeres de Paris.
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