OCR text
Buddleia crispa Benthe (paratype of Becaryopteridifolia var.lanuginosa Marquand) det. A.J. M. Leeuwenberg -.----------------------0s-ecsesseesssorenrrasecs Zh. Coll. GEORGE FORREST VORINAN: WEST-OHINA. 166° , Bus : lay. Alt. ¢ oc ; ity Proe- be racial Qrwur : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe in 2S °72'h.. INCA : wr | | NeuPd Lea Coripbhp Bue-d E01112455 adh ea can tdiniiiite DW dn. B. canyope lens olifolua Or farugenosa tide 00.8. tharguanc 2 Kew Bull, lo 5 - 'F30 copyright reserved
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