OCR text
Buddleia crispa Benth. (isotype of Be tibetica var. glandulifera) Dupl. Forrest 13871 Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 "#7. Herbarium Vadense (WAG) yr 4 Fide C.0. Yharguansl Mis Ruth, Vos 1930 = Buddlepa thelice WW. Sm, Determinavit ee coe 7 4.# tromber, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WA E£01112426 YUNNAN, WEST CHINA Coll GEORGE FORREST iy), 1387 1 Alt. U ae: ¢e ie | iar. ei pence in No, _ ues 117 — ep Vy. ~ Poet - ii aia copyright reserved
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