OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Confirmayit ; level R.J.Chinnock 2000 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Myoporaceae Cultivated Plants of California Myoporum laetum J,G,A, Forster Evergreen tree, 25 feet tall, young growth slight- ly sticky-resinous, leaves punctate, united cor- ollas white, purple spotted, deciduous, 5 petals with 4 stamens exerted on lobes of perianth, 1 lobe having no stamen, Bike trail parallel to John F, Kennedy Drive, just west of north entr- ance to Lily Pond, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco Determined by: ELIZABETH McCLINTOCK Coll, Saichi Kawahara lo¢t May 27, 1969 se] ® > .“ o n 4 bed = = 3 > rot ro) 3)
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