OCR text
; \ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN bmi E01103713 \¥ HERBARIUM OF THE VICTORIA BOTANIC GARDENS, SOUTHERN CAMEROONS PNT eee eee ne ane a ctr oohck len ciate wobiersoie oa omemesiaccas Local Namce== es Peon guna aa er 7 Relow Rkumbée Talls, Locality or -Ormineme.. RIV ORs... 0 Uae. eimeatamtnawe Siik? aef/h/1O61 couswarbri SK CHAE Datel. Th, i Ect. Wle grading from white lilac between plants. Habit erect to spreading. Herb of moist placese SCGP_ 154/860/5,000 9 rs) xo] co Ps Se o 7) iD es oad <= = i I) foe fo} oO MQ0e0589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet