OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vi E0110134 4 FLORA OF THAILAND R. Geesink, D. Phanichapol & T. Santisuk Euphorbiace 5760 Actephyla 70601973 N. Thailand, Prov.: Chieng mai Loc.: between Chieng dao and Fang c. 1f20’'N 98 °50E Alt. ce 500 me Dry Dipterocarp on granitichill. Shrub. Flowers greene eee Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Neth Thalland, sponsored by NUFFIC, Netherlands, end the Thal Goverment Herbarium, Bangkok, xo} co Pa <i co) 77) o bw ~ £ fo) Ey > a ° 3)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet