OCR text
OV 0 wn o fav) g = 10 3] copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIForNIA, BERKELEY VOUCHER FOR CHROMOSOME COUNT #5757 ao oe Chromosome count by Marion Cave, 1966 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963-1964 Director, Paul C, Hutchison PERU Alonsoa linearifolia (HBK.) Steud. vare platyphylla Diels Flowers orange. Dupl. det. J. J. Wurdack, 1967 Perennial to 1 m. in cultivation, 1.2 m. wild. Cerros Calla Calla, west side, 45 km. above Balsas, mid- way on the road to Leimebamba. Altitude 3100 m, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Province of Chachapoyas, Department of Amazonas EDINBURGH PauL C, HurcHison 6787 UI oo i Je 964 D E01 4 00844 ISTRIBUTED BY THE HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA
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