OCR text
Ma 4 waa @ i “J » A . ; e { oN S e » ® MS Ce te Ra i — 2 ° | (2) “iE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IRI EDINBURGH EDINSURGH, UI h E£01091614 HERB. HORT} BOn REGREDING FLORA OF TURKEY, No. .. Merbascum_sinuatun LL a Verbascum a Fee , ‘1 e a nell Turkey. Prov. Mugla: distr, Marmaris, ‘ec oC Datga - Knides, Alt. 270m, fy Rocky slopes, smmemek. Flowers ai ee yellow. EEE SE 18 July 1960. det A. Huber-Morath Coll, Khan, Prance & Ratcliffe, No. 94.
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