OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. TL E 01084127 st o un fav) g © = feMedium sized tree, 10" debeh., 60 feet total height. Bark 1/3" thick, outer bark light grey, mashallowly ridged, underbark, ‘ht green and cinnamon, narbled. Inner bark straw with orange fibre markings, medium Pards) DBL cll. Jood white, Soft of unitorm xtures; very Tine medullary AyVS, pores single or in short Bchains, fine reticulate parenchymae aLeaves large, soft, pubescent nbove and below, hairs r oloured. lowers in large compound anicles, calyx pubescent yellow green, corolla cream, thers yellow. ollected at Wau, Anderson's geing Area, Morobe District, tC, Alt. 3,000 Peat. i) rs) copyright reserved lo L, Jed HAVEL 28/6/62 PLAINLAE NOVOGUINEENSES Botanical Collections of the Department of Forests Papua and New Guinea J. 4. Havel N.GE. No. c 169 22 /6 / 1962 | teurites molireeana Collected : T } | Wan, Morobe District Alt. @. 2. Goof. 7 2¢ I5/ mC 70 Be Long the he Me ESTs CREE T Vest vias ENA ot A
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet