OCR text
st oO wn 2 fax) Q = 7 fees i eae RNR NIN, Nee & F | ROTA LBAPARIC GADDAN | mp2 29k c Tyra! o eaten ah are EET OTL EL h. Acrom GMa +7. off. chitay. H Wolf G, Acro sn i ibaadens 11. Lint H-Shae Determinavit M.F. Watson tA. Suc a Z ( 07 ya. S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wg 32798 Ee ° | 5 i = (o)) J : ™ det. os Pi ou. Re oe a Altitude a = (CoD Petals, thin, membranous, acutely pointed, He green, edged with chocolate-red. Anthers wade ast 4 chocolate-red. No involucre, flowers in ee ee cymes. Fruit compressed. On steep, mossy P ey panks beneath Rhodos. and bamboos. thn || A we : iA See No. 3271. This appears to be the same RAR 5 i civ Wael species in spite of the difference in the 9,,J | ae chee TAS Westin shape and colour of the petals, and ue Cor nach oe : compactness of the umbel. Found also ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN s emtalts Gnrooores Soin duly Wade wigigggquan "> 8370 in
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