OCR text
‘* eenteetn ttt LO EAS DE IE LINE | ROYAL BATA - vormeme ee ELT OOD OO A. Acros sp. ofp. ching. i elf 6, Aeron sicuanen 40 3. Crete Determinavit M.F. Watson tA. Sur Yt 6 ( o7 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A E£00150015 anes 2 pA 3377 = Petals, thin, membranous, acutely pointed, green, edged with chocolate-red. Anthers chocolate-red. No involucre, flowers in cymes. Fruit compressed. On steep, mossy panks beneath Rhodos. and bamboos. See No. 3271. This appears to be the same species in spite of the difference in the shape and colour of the petals, and compactness of the umbel. Found also growing amongst dwarf Rhodos. On Imaw Bum. 12,000 ft. 25th July 1989. ™ det. Locality Loew. S Slur a 4 Sour Vai Altitude or SA: te: Date ast, ee Pema | un a WR wy ko oe a cnet nad. J | Ste. Coens CA, Riedie te ae Sunland ‘ ‘Ca ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i y Wernsa F lotta ¥ wn ‘um ul L , No. 3300 ‘ Be far a J xo} o “ ® n ® pa ee i a = > 2. ° o Meee564
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