OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni ERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE No. R.6572 Cassytha Fil focme¢ Cn Vernacular name: Belize District. Gale’s Point (sea to Bar River), just south of Bar River mouth, Transect 1, c. 17°14’N 88°18’W In the scrubby remains of a cultivated area close to the sea. Parazitizing grasses and forbs. Stems green-orange. Flowers dirty cream. Date, 19/7199) Coll.: JA. Ratter, R. Atkinson, H.A. Bisset & S. Bridgewater Oo r o>) xo] ct) = i co) 72) “ od <= a rad P.) 2. ° 1) S) 1
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