OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii E01071636 ——r HERB. HORT. EDINB. (Marko Lewis 37920) EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha macrostachya Jacquin Det. R. Liesner, 1993 (MO) ‘ MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (M0) BOLIVIA LA PAZ: Nor Yungas Province "Rio Yalisa” - - Along the Rio Yalisa up river from where it crosses the Suapi turn off. 4 km N. of Coroico. Riverine forest. 16°O7'S 67°45/7W 1350-1400 m Small 4 m high tree with only bracts seen, which are green. 5 Novembe Marko Lewis 37920 Pein HERBARIO NACIONAL DE BOLIVIA (LPB ) MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN (MO) JARDIN BOTANICO DE QUIME ko} ® > h 0) 7 ® tI ” = = tee ES rot ° a) MQQQG EA
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