OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WT E01071613 MQQOEGEGA fs e ® 77) 4 Pd £ D = ry Qa fo] oO THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Plants of the Planalto do Brasil Estado de Minas Gerais Serra do Espinhago No. 23598 Acalypha Det. E. Jablonski, ca. 1972 Brect subshrub ca, 1.5m tall. Flowers greenish pink. Dense cerrado on red cday, hilltop ca. 15km west of Grado Mogol, road to Cristalia. Elev. 950 m. H. S. Irwin, R. Reis dos Santos, R. Souza, & S. F. da Fonseca 20 February 1969 eee ee cones with the collaboration of the Universidade de Brasflia and e Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentacgio do Norte, sw rted i funds from the National Science Foundation, Sip pleas
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