OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WT E01071609 HERB. HORT. EDINB. EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima No. R. 5829 Euphorbiaceae SEMA Ecological Station, Tha de Marac&, Roraima. 3°22'N 61°251w Rio Uraricoera, Furo de Maraca near the eastern end of the island. Forest along the edge of the river (never flooded). Slender, twiggy shrub. Flowers pale green. On the Campo margin of lh forest. oa Date. 24 2 1987 cou: J.A. Ratter, W. Milliken. ° ise ’ n, Edileu Silva, Angelo dos Santos, D. Coslhe i a Jose Lima ao] co) Pd Ss co n o - ad £ Da = Poy Qa ° [S) MQQQGCEA
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