OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WNT E01071517 PLANTAE EXSICCATAE GRAYANAE 563. Acalypha virginica L. Sp. Pl. 1003 (1753), excl. syn.; Gray, Man. 408 (1848) ; Britton & Brown, III. F1. ii. 366, fig. 2298 (1897) ; Small, Fl. se. U. S. 700 (1903) ; Rydb. FI. Pr. & Pl. 514 (1932) ; Weatherby in Rhodora, xxix. 194 (1927). Syn. A. caroliniana Walt. Fl. Car. 238 (1788)? cer- tainly “A. caroliniana Walt.” Michx. Fl. Bor.-Am. ii. 216 (1803). A. crenulata Raf. New Fl. i. 44 (1836), as to synonym cited. A. rhomboidea Raf. op. cit. 45. A. virginica a genuina Muell. Arg. in Linnaea, xxxiv. 44 (1865). Among grass and other low herbs in shaded dooryard, Woodstock, Connecticut. Coll. A. W. Upam, C. A. Weatuersy. September 11, 1932. xo] cc) Pa ae ® 7) 4 ad = D += es) 2 fe) iS) Me@e@8@564
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