OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cir 47), Sprawling tree in old garden - to 12' high and branches long slender 12! long. Inflorescence at leaf axils and cauliflorous of many small red flowers. Road from Dengalu to Bulolo, Morobe District, T.N.G. Alt. 4,000'. A. N. MILLAR 18/1/62 PLANTAE NOVOGUINEENSES Botanical Collections of the Department of Forests Papua and New Guinea A. N. Millar N.GF. No. 4), 7) 49/4p2 Acalypha CollecteedRoad from Dengalu to BulolmMorebe Districe. Ait .ca. 4, 006- Lat. 7105S. Long 4G LOE. Govt. Print.—3860/7.60.—20,000, >] o => c o 7) o = ~~ P= = a Py [oy ° [o} Meee564
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