OCR text
21150 Botanical Collections of the Division Euphorbiaceae of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. H,otre Ll mn & AeKairo,. N.GeFe21150. 30/9/65- Meees564 Acalypha Localit Bulolo, Morobe District. mete 25000 fhe Sr to S Long. 146 40 E Habitat: In disturbed forest. Annot mall tree. Leaves, green above, light green below. Flowers, yellow green. Fruit, green hairy. Mutani ( Garaina ) Fam, Euphorbiaceae Name: Acalypha Dupl..: sent (pos islvo pri, eanb, ALK. Bog. Sing. Syd. UH, PNH. US, Bish. xo} ® Pa & ® 7) ® i Cad = Py Qa fe) [e) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IN E01071222
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