OCR text
i = i i - iz ee eae en nae te ee re ee ee es Oe en i ne es El ee oe ee Oe £5 HERS N.G.F. EUPHORBIACEAE art, 0# FORMATS as yeor mara vA 4.9. oon Short, mamy branched small tree. Helene) 10's) bolle, Atel Ba uicicy. prey brown with lichen, tinely Bah systbugerel) |jeexeibatiave, | (outst alia. ilauatial minute flakes. Wood white, fine textured, moderately hard and heavy. Leaves thin, membranous, medium green. Flowers yellow ereens) in under TSicoryn om amid mountain rain forest dominated by A klinkii and containing mainly gicliaceae and Lauraceae. Very Pcommon. Crooked Creek Logging Area, Bulolo, Morobe District, TeN.G. Alc. 3,200". copyright reserved J.J3.HAVEL 27/12/68 PLANTAE NOVOGUINEENSES Botanical Collections of the Department of Forests Papua and New Guinea J. J. Havel N.GF. No. 17062 24/12/6962 Aietstanthes— Ace Collected : Bulolo 9 Morobe Oistrice ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Alt. ca. 3,200 fe. La. 7 10 S. Long146 LO Wii E01 063461 Govt. Print.—3860/7.60.—20,000, E.
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