OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01063023 c Ci gy hernia. lar_eepta Ca ( Barcthern ) rues) - Ae4, Determinavit gaugeat (164 PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTED BY THE HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. 204. Argithamnia sericophylla Gray. Borders of the Colorado desert along the easterly base of San Jacinto Mountain, Riverside County, in the Lower Sonoran Zone not far from Palm Springs. Growing on a rocky hillside in openings between low shrubs, in decomposed granite among rocks in detritis near the mouth of Chino cafion. A&sociated with Encelia farinosa and Franseria dumosa. Perennial, 1.5 to 2 dm. high from a woody base. Collected by Theodore Labouchere, April, 1915. copyright reserved MQ@G0322
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