OCR text
uote és [e q FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Departmmt of Forests, Lae, M.Coode, T.Cropley & P.Katik. NGF 29706. 2/2/676 Inland from Lossuk, on Locality: track to Bagaterre. N.I District. Alt. sea level. Lat. 2 45S Long. 151 06 E Habitat: Swamp forest in opem spaces rooted in watere v ® ra o 7 2 ed cs = 5 roy ° 3) Annct.Herb, lower stem + prostrate and rooting at nodes. Flowering stem erect. Height up to 15 ins. Flowers blue mauve, throat whit~ ish. Lower lip sharply chann- elled. Fam.Scrophulariaceae Name: A denosma ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN LH . Sing Sid URNS Bee E01057769 a Dupl, sent to: L, BAA. Canb. Kx. E
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet