OCR text
MQ@Q0323 es RS oh 5 aa ae NI Be ea} ze} ® 2 ® rm) 2 had aS 2 = ES Q ° rs) = K ie @ ) E THE FOREST HERBARIUM (BEE) Se . ROYAL FOREST DEPARTMENT Crephlaiace ne FLORA OF THAILAND No. 35927 Locality Mastern: Ubon Ratehathani, Chong Mek. Altitude Date February 24,1967 Botanical name A. Ae LACYnQ_ Local name Note Tufted herb common on plane in mixed deciduous forest. Flowers purple-blue ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH I i, $+ Powonssong ne 25 E01057764 pe, £ - Heme, 0-4-9
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet