OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Me00564 Angelonia Morro do Chapeu. 3 km. S.E. of Morro do Chapeu on the road to Mundo Novo. Campo rupestre vegetation on sandstone rock outcrops with damp grassland on flat sandy areas. Alt. 1000 m. 41°o7'w., 11°S4'S. DS. This plant growing in flat sandy areas. 5°) ® . o n 4 ee = =) =. a) a ° 3) Procumbent to ascending herb with fleshy pale green leaves. Sepals purple-tinged. Corolla dark purple with whitish boss, sacculi mottled within. 1 June 1980 ReM. Harley 22911 EX HERBARIO KEWENSI BRAZIL: ESTADO DA BAHIA hrgebnia, Cat gan Kook. Pie det. D. TAQ me R.M. HARLEY, G.L. BROMLEY, A.M. DECARVALHO, J.M.SOARESNUNES, J.L.HAGE, & E.B. DosSANTOS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN in Harley No. 2 EDINBURGH Field work sponsored by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Academia || Brasileira de Ciéncias, and carried out with the collaboration of the Centro de 6646 5 Pesquisas do Cacau, Itabuna, Bahia, March - June, 1980 E010
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