OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01054836 Ran Gera eholofeonrst § CL \ ills YO an alof om C44 Determinavit P.H. Davis, 19777 . ROYAL 10 a) fs] 9 copyright reserved =e =z eee 2 ame / yi OF TURKEY je Number: 107 Name; Linaria ae i} v4 Vilayet: Samsun Locality& Burial mound, 2 miles East of Samsun Alt: 80 feet. i Habitat: Fallow fields. I Notes: Small white flowers. Flowers spurred, Dates May 10, 1963. May 25, 1963 nexColl.C . Tobeyrx* st oO wn g 2 eg =
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