OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 E01054825 Revisionary studies in the tribe Antirrhineae 12/149 Linaria chalepensis (L.) Miller Det./Conf.: D.A. Sutton. lst January 1986 BM British Museum (Natural History) Luo chalopancic (L.) mule YO . nolafaromnees Determinavit P.H. Davis, 1977) . TURUN YLIOPISTON KASVIMUSEO (Turku University Herbarium) ee TURKEY. Icel. Silifke. Edges of fields on hillside along the Anamour road, about two kilometers from Silitke. (flowers white) May 16, 1967 Reino Alava, 6645 xo] cy Pa i o 77) 4 P= £ D ot Py Qa Og (S) Meee564
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet