OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN W000 E01054799 Revisionary studies in the tribe Antirrhineae 12/149 Linaria chalepensis (L.) Miller Det ./Conf.: D.A. Sutton. — Ist January 1986 British Museum (Natural History) BM + = ess Lin ercrio ehodepmeilh) halt; Yn) Chol AJpon ees Determinavit P.H. Davis, 197 7] : \eeey ere seypee HERB. HORD. BOT, REG. EDIN: FLORA OF TURKEY. Linaria chron, \ iad tie eee \ ra, Turkey. Prov. Marag: Maras - Gdksun road 2. kn, from Maras. Alt. 1300m, Species-rich fallow field, Flowers pale yellow with white spur, 44 June 1960. Coll. Stainton & Henderson, No. 5564, ae] ® = G (0) o o i= Ca £ > b= > ro} oF oO Meee564
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