OCR text
A ROYAL Se unuee GARDEN WA 0 E01049772 HERB. HORT. EDINB. P| P » } , ) * BANCHO SANTA ANA ee GARDEN » Mexico Scrophulariaceae irrhit num lterianur Benth. in A. DC. CHO W foothills of the Sierra de Juarez, con EF of Rancho, near El Bashisha; elev. ca 1200 m in mixture of chaparral & desert scrub by dry d- es 31° 5 ' ¢ * . i: di Ga. 94 'N-116°0O5'W. creek on coarse sa Erect annual with violet bluish corollas ° Arne Stri Kit Ta F. El 2 L Arne 5 1, Kat Tan, F. “nrendorfer and A x2} co) Pad ae: ® ” ® I i = Do oy Pe) Qa ° [S) Meee564
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