OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi Banisteriopsis pubipetala (Adr. Juss.) Cuatrec. Det. W.R. Anderson 2002 HERB. HORT. EDINB. is SISSY IO BEN RELI RSTO Se xrite col - ES AMMTUIAUOUTTTOTTTTT se] ® ae ® m 4 if ra ey i > roy fe) 3) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Minas Gerais No. R. 8077 Banisteriopsis Municipio de Arinos, 12km from Arinos on the road to Buritis, 15°55's 46° 09'W, alt. 600m. In cerrado sensu stricto, Scandent shrub, 3m tall. diam. at 1m above base. vertical fissuring rather | Petals bright yellow. Slanting trunk 12.5cm Bark dull brown with ike a lilac tree (Syringa), Date: 6 viii 199g Coll.: J.A. Ratter, S. Brid ewate ; dos Santos. 8 T& J. Batista
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