OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E01040960 Plantago albicans L. Institutum Historiae Naturalis ao>wo noayn Ayo NRT Universitatis Hebraicae Hierosolymitanae “enwe-pax yaw npn? p20 (DIR. PROF, O. WARBURG) Gano) ws ‘amp Sra) FLORA PALAESTINAE EXSICCATA DX wo-VIN Nay 87. Plantago albicans L. Sp. pl., ed. 1 (1753), T. I, p. 114, One of the commonest plants in the sands and sandstones of the coastal plain, spreading from Acco to Gaza. In the extreme South of the country (Negeb) it advances far away into the half-desert region, where it seems to be at its best. * EC eESirgs Ramath-Gan, near Tel-Aviv; sandy soils; 7. IV. 1928. eg. My Zomary. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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