OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM i E01031831 | Hab. Island of St. Michael’s, Azores, 1845. | Coll. Thomas Carew Hunt, Esq., Her Britannic Ma- Com} jesty’s Consul in the Azores. ' BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ik ; Fumaria mere Kee | : Sl | Det. Magnus Lidén 19 Yh : ee. Oy =. FOHERBARIUM ss 4 1s LORRI” Romana 8. / Det. Magnus Lidén 19 fh HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, FRS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891, . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i : E01031832 So nr xo) @® Ps c ® 172) ® — — & iy = Po) a fo} [S) MQG0322
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