OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. WV Va , x we FAlSOeRaA Hy ECE EM EON CsA 4 PAPAVERACEAE 7 Fumaria capreolata L. Nom.: Arkadias Ep.: Kinourias Isl.: Mt.: Parnonas By Elona monastery c. 12 km from Kosmas along road to Leonidion. Large, N-facing limestone rocks. — Corolla white with deep purple tip. [det. M. Lidén]. Alt.: 500 m Os °09’ . An? ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Lat.: 37°09’N Long.: 22°46’E A 1909-04-20 Ee oona =01031769 Registered for the Flora Hellenica Database x] ca Pd i“ ow 72) 4 oe) = sy ra > 2 fe) ()
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