OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WU E01031767 HERB. HORT. EDINB. F LUO. R AH ESP PE CNS EECA PAPAVERACEAE Fumaria capreolata L. Nom. : Etolias—Akarnanias Ep.: Mesolongiou Sas Mt. : 2-3 km S of the village of Fragouleika along main road Agrinion—Mesolongion. Large vertical limestone cliffs and stony slopes below the cliffs. —- In scrub below rocks. Corolla white with purple tip. [det. M. Lidén]. Alt.: 100-150 m Lat. S8vs0 Ni bongs-e21i23: E 1989-05-27 Strid & al. no. 29750 Registered for the Flora Hellenica Database le ss copyright reserved
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