OCR text
Naduvo SINVLOG Type Specimen co ena | YUNNAN, WEST CHINA Neo. Coll GHORGH FORRESTNyn 47 a) 1 9 Alt, (0-eeefl- .. 3 foe * Ag i tg hanitahir. - faudd bony VA Locality hiss g L a ole VJ no ra al~ = a She [fanbnlar at hanes } htc mi ake, hale ee trldimn calleperyploum, Ball. dre, Sle tae ofr lle delitlabing Vey Omon Si : i ee nl ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | } pe- OULLTD—FhOREL . INBURGH mc wn rbohe —oheqen . [e) SRW Be of
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