OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TD 030008 Papaver dubium L. subsp. glabrum (Royle)Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit #21957 7 i / HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, DEHRA DUN. no. HOTZ Name (G2 tr dation d.var, glatrum, Place of collection #L@Gar <a Be at? abot oD bee Pitall v ucla, Dgad Le Gee ft cio Hane Lhe peberlo Llach- ed ntar fie bnae .'fear tyllon Date ee BY . Coll. va b. farkiinapro xo} i) Pa i ® 77) 2 Pad ay 2 he > fo} fe) oO M@e0322
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