OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I E0001 a ee eee ae a a aes eee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH T I 3) Pd - ; o 72) co) os ~ = a = > 2. ° oO 1S OTYPE Pein Cowan Det. D. F. Chamberlain EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF 58.TIBET Rhododendron erosum Cowan deted.M.Cowan (duplicate of Type) Locality Kashong La. Natrampa. Chayul Chu Altitude 12,500ft. Date 26541936 free 15-20ft.(Colour 67 A) Corolla rose pink; filaments & style white; Stigma & calyx fine shade of hers dark brown; Ye In thick rhododendron forest among firs; transi tion zen Ce F. LuDLow & G. SHERRIFF No.15441
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