OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00564 SARAWAK FORESTRY CORPORATION Collector: Wilkie, P. Rose. R.; Whillander, L.; No. SEC 07824 Admon, B.; Jenging. E.: Jacky, N. Date: 4 March 2017 Family: Orchidaceae Name: Appendicula xo} o 2 a co) o ® bw ~~ <= D = J 2 ° °o es Vern. Name: Det: (0/0/0) Locality; Malaysia, Sarawak. Song, Lanjak Entimau WS, Ulu Katibas. Sg. Katibas, Sungai Datai. off Sungai Katibas. down river from field station 1°6s'14" NN, 11292772 Ale 125m Habitat: riverbank. Notes: Epiphyte. Inflorescence terminal. to 15cm long. flowers minute, white with purple lower lip ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MN Dnt: SEC, SAR, SING. t E01037568 When new determinations are made please inform the Senior Forest Botanist, Forest Department, Kuching, Sarawak
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