OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E00882865 FLORA OF BURMA (SOUTH) TENASSERIM DIVISION Tavoy District Area within a radius of 12 miles from Paungdaw LAT. c. 14°N, LONG. c. 98°30E. Santa. LG Hr Loc. Roadside between 1-3 miles east of Paungdaw Power Station in open areas. Common. Up to 2-3 ft. high. Date October, 1961 Alt. 800 ft. J. Keenan, U Tun Aung and R. H. Rule No. 4819 fog é OF him Eas Oe cm Eanes] x) 2 10 Eazazal 9 copyright reserved 8 = if 6 es 5 mI MQe00322
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