OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. TESaH) 184994910 <P aaics) ee)| xo) co) Po i o ” cd) re aa = fo) mS es a feo} is) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Bahia No. R. 8012 Annona ; Municipio de Cocos, 11km from Cocos on the road to Santa Maria de Vitéria, 14°05's 44°30'W, alt. 700m. In dense cerrado sensu stricto. Tree, 5m tall, 13cm dbh with rather smo n tall, oth gre bark splitting in vertical fissures below. ad Date: 22 vii 1998 _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN & FRUIT AND gyi Cal JA Rater 8 Berner bi TON E00 100863 dos Santos.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet