Carex berteroaniana Steud.
Carex paleata Boot.
Data source(s):
- Stuessy, T.F. & C. Marticorena 1990. Orthography of some epithets honoring Bertero in the vascular flora of the Juan Fernández Islands and continetal Chile . in Gayana 47(3-4): 77-81, p.78
- Wheeler, G.A. 1988. Taxonomic notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) of austral South America. in Aliso 12(1): 97-102, p.98
- Wheeler, G.A. 2007. Carex and Uncinia (Cyperaceae, Cariceae) from the Juna Fernández Archipelago, Chile. in Darwiniana 45(1): 120-141, p.124
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